
The Choice Between Wife and Child

Once, amidst a flood, a farmer managed to rescue his wife, but tragically, his child perished in the rushing waters. In the aftermath, the community buzzed with discussions and debates. Some argued that the farmer had done the right thing by saving his wife, as she couldn't be brought back to life, while others contended that he had erred, for the wife could remarry, whereas the child could not return from death.

Amidst the cacophony of opinions, I found myself grappling with the same dilemma: if only one could be saved, should it be the wife or the child?

Seeking clarity, I visited the farmer to understand his perspective. When I asked him about his thoughts during that fateful moment, he replied, "I didn't think at all. When the flood hit, my wife was with me, so I grabbed her and headed for the nearby hill. By the time I returned, my child was already swept away by the waters."

Reflecting on the farmer's words on my journey back, I realized that he acted instinctively, without deliberation. In that split second, his choice was made, driven by the urgency of the situation. I pondered to myself that if he had hesitated even for a moment, perhaps neither would have been saved. Such, I concluded, is often the nature of life's decisions — swift and unforgiving.

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